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The Grand Canyon of Arizona

Welcome to awesome Photos of the Grand Canyon.

There is a Grand Canyon of Yellowstone which is nice, but no comparison to the beauty and
Grandeur of the Grand Canyon of Arizona.

Following, are real photos taken by Professionals that most visitors are unable to capture
with their cameras. The Photos were received in an email, too good to delete, should be
shared with others. They are posted here for people to see and enjoy.

Pueblo-like dwellings over the Colorado River at Nankoweap Creek.

Horseshoe Bend

Canyon Walls as viewed from the Colorado River.

Grand Canyon Colors varies with the position of the Earth relative to the Sun.

Bright Angel Trail

Cheyava Falls

Rafting, but not on the Rapids!

Lover's Leap!

Beaver Falls

View from Commanche Point.

Ribbon Falls

Hermits Rest

Colorado River

Muddy Water Rafting

Marble Canyon


Sky Walk

Havasu Falls

F5e Fighter Planes over the G. Canyon.

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